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Can you please look into Putin as well as NATO the way you did with Trump and Biden?

Biden and NATO are really trying to bait Putin into WW3.  Will Putin take the bait?

Posted : 05/12/2024 1:35 pm
Lyn, elise ogrady, Evgeniya and 1 people reacted
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I know you are asking EA, but here is my feelings on this:

WW3 will not happen. 

Putin is a hard one, cause i dont think he is part of the bad guy club.. no contracts with the dark elite or anything like that. Hard to say that he is a lightworker (argh) but i think he is here to bring the chaos needed right now, to wake people up etc.. also to take away the bad guys control of war.. he is waging a war that was not ordered by the bad guys (reptilians etc) and this taking away their control over it and whatever plans they had for the wars in the world.. 

Hard to like the guy though.. i dont think he is an "awake" lightworker.. 


Some say that the dark elite wnated to control the world and they would do this with keeping complete control over the money, the politics, the technological evolution, media and the wars.. it seams to me like we have chaos bringers in all these arenas now..  ( Bitcoin, Trump, Musk and Putin ) ... maybe


But i dont know, the topic is a hard one, but i would love to her EAs take on it. 


Posted : 05/12/2024 2:13 pm
Amy Harris reacted
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Hi Heidi, I am Russian and Putin is not a good guy at all. He has been in power for 24 years by cheating, fraud, terror, murders and sacrifice. Doesn't sound like a lightworker at all. I don't think that he is a part of your bad guys club, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a bad guys club of his own. He has been practicing a lot of sinister things and rituals and is rumored to use doubles. I can elaborate more if you ask and provide sources. 
You may want to look up the main cathedral of the russian armed forces that was built by his friend and closest ally Sergei Shoigu and see for youself. There is Hitler military cap on display in a church!

Posted : 07/12/2024 5:34 am
Heidi reacted
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Posted by: @evgeniya

Hi Heidi, I am Russian and Putin is not a good guy at all. He has been in power for 24 years by cheating, fraud, terror, murders and sacrifice. Doesn't sound like a lightworker at all. I don't think that he is a part of your bad guys club, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a bad guys club of his own. He has been practicing a lot of sinister things and rituals and is rumored to use doubles. I can elaborate more if you ask and provide sources. 
You may want to look up the main cathedral of the russian armed forces that was built by his friend and closest ally Sergei Shoigu and see for youself. There is Hitler military cap on display in a church!


Hi, yes i do largely agree with you. I am from Finland so we are neighbours and he is NOT well liked here. I had such a hard time with this guy form the beginning and you may be right and he is not in any way part of the lights plans for earth. My feeling has been that even if he is not awake, his soul have taken on this horrible role to play, and that then makes it harder for the dark elite to keep control. But yeah i am not sure. Would love EAs take on it, but as with any war etc this is a polaracing topic, and she might not get any info on it before its time for that info to come out.. maybe. 

In the end (pretty soon i think) my feeling is his part will be played out.. and he will not be a part of the new world we will build up..  and this will be a part of the lights plan.. and then we will start building up the better world.. 


Posted : 07/12/2024 6:40 am
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@heidifihlmangmail-com-2-2-2 З Oh, he is a great mistery, I really wish to know why he plays this role. He's done terrible things so whenever I hear someone is trying to paint him as a good guy based only on his opposition to the shadow government I am quite pissed off because this is so naive.
When he was elected the first time I was 14 y o, my mom told me that he has eyes like a fish and she never liked him. Now I am 38, a lot of facts about his life have been exposed that people from the West do not pay attention to and believe that he is a kind of a good guy. 
Just because he opposes the western culture doesn't mean that he is on the side of humanity. He wants to have his share, to rule the world instead. He said in his old interview that he wants to live like oligarchs, so his goal is to be rich and powerful, that's it.
Now I'm trying to be detached and see the bigger picture. Anyways there is no way that can make me to regard him as a good guy, just impossible. He killed many people including leaders that I trusted and would vote for. I do not wish him dead but I'd like to find out what is going on around him, is there an adversary for the illuminati to take their place?

Posted : 07/12/2024 11:54 am
Heidi reacted
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I dont think that you will have to wait for so long anymore, he is on his way out i think. And i did not even know he used to be apart of any dark organisation.. i know very litle about him yes that is true. I feel for you guys, i hope that very soon this new world that we are manifesting will happen.. it will be beautiful when we are done, just a lil bit left now. Hang in there. 

Posted : 07/12/2024 4:49 pm
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@heidifihlmangmail-com-2-2-2 Thank you for your kind words! Some of his closest friends and proxies with huge power (the Rotenbergs) are citizens of Finland, so please be aware. One day we will all be happy neighbours of one big Earth family, can't wait to see that.

Posted : 09/12/2024 8:42 am
Heidi reacted