Healthy food are like poison for some. (Intolerances, allergy, IBS, Crohn's disease, ect..)
For exemple, I have IBS. I can't eat most of the veggies. They make me sick. But, strangely, I'm able to digest sweet !
Also about food, what to eat ? What are healthy food now ? They put pesticide, even Organic food are being poisonned by the cabal.
I don't know what's safe to eat anymore.
Since we know everything is illusion, and that we can hack the 3D matrix, and we know the universal Law of resonance, why don't we solve this conundrum?
Like you clean your aura and body in your daily meditation, clean and bless all the food and drinks, by sending Source white light through it. Upload all fear and negative intentions of the food to the Grid. Thank Mother Earth for growing the food for us. Choose what to eat purely intuitive, listen to your body's needs. Create a water filter that energizes all the water that enters your house. Of course this filter you create with your mind and fantasy, around the waterline entering the house, and is made of the most beautiful colors, including gold and silver. It takes just one minute more in your next meditations. Oh yeah and "See" yourself enjoying every meal in your meditation and its easy digestion.
If you do all this right you can eat everything without fear again. But please use your discernment of the food you choose. And allow yourself a few errors and your body time to get used to the new situation. What EA says: focus on the best possible outcome, the best case scenario.
If you still do not trust yourself, you can follow EA's System Override course. You learn all this and much more. This is 5D tool stuff, simply magically amazing in its simplicity.
@acara16 Forgot to tell about allergies and intolerances: there is a connection between some trauma, and the food you ate at that time. The body connects eating the food as a warning sign "alert, trauma coming in" and reacts. But, in real life there is no logical connection between food and trauma. It's merely coincidence. So, you have to disconnect or cut those cords, and if you know the original traumatic events, heal them and reaffirm the body it is safe and secure to eat the food. Affirm the food with safe/secure energy.
Only most of the time we don't know anymore what and when the trauma occurred. If it arent vaccinations or surgeries or accidents, that's where Shadow works come in. So do your work, or if you're desperate ask help from EA (system override) or some member in this Forum.