Catholicism & The V...
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Catholicism & The Vatican

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Basically - I'd love a whole video on Catholicism taking a look at...

(I'm just gonna post questions that are on the forums)


Is there a video on the whole Catholic Church & The Vatican? I have questions!!

I'd love to know the whole truth about how the church started, what's going on underneath the Vatican, who is really in charge, who is really choosing the Popes and for what purpose, are there bloodlines involved, what items the church owns and how they came to own them and is there some sacredness to the architecture of the early Catholic churches.


I know churches aren't the only places this happens but I'm fascinated at how such high frequency souls can coexist in the same organization with (I'm assuming) such low frequency souls? Shouldn't they spontaneously combust?! OR cancel each other out? Or be flat-out warring each other? 


I know ETs are in communication w/ the Church trying to set it right and I'd be curious to know what those transmissions are all about, if they have been given a timeline to "correct" themselves and which species are 'watching/overseeing' the church. 

(Do all our Earth churches continue to exist in 5D? )


And then, for good measure, what exactly is "the holy grail"? Is it the chalice of the last supper or is it a bloodline of some sort- or is it just drama created to divert/divide/distract us? (Maybe there is a video on Jesus that might have this info too?).



Just watched one of your vids (Catholic) Communion is when you accept Jesus’ body and blood, (divinity and soul). You know - when you get in line at church to received the host & drink the wine.

I’ve always thought sounds gross. (no disrespect to Catholics intended. I understand its sacred).

Protestants believe its symbolic, Catholics believe there is an actual miracle taking place where bread and wine actually BECOME Jesus’ body and blood.

Wondering if you can ask the GFL about this ritual. It suddenly sounds so Reptilian to me??? Thats freaking me out LOL. 

You had also mentioned Original Sin - Can you ask if the idea of Original Sin has something to do w/ bloodlines? or maybe a certain DNA?

I am thinking its a cover story LOL for something else or maybe the idea is just a representation of how we were "neanderthals" roaming around and then got DNA upgrades?  Anyway.

And then, if it's indeed not about "sin"  -   what would Baptism mean?

(Baptism - where, while rejecting Satan, you're sprinkled w/ holy water as a baby. It removes original sin & consecrates you to the Light. Your parents do this for you as a baby).

Thank you!

Posted : 05/10/2024 2:01 pm
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