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Bashar - The PsyOp

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Always read the comments section.  As We ourselves DISCLOSE our own truths from the BS that all of these "others" feed us to make THEIR money from Cramming THEIR bs in our sacred EchoChamber.


We've been training here on how to spot the Psy-ops.  Im in the same boat as you instructing y'all how to See these psy-ops and learning myself (in real time) that even the couple people who I liked in this space are total orchestrated acts - and we have been consuming too much of THEIR stupid productions.  


There is a LOT of true info in this clip - specifically about how ETS are FORBIDDEN from "telling" Us things because it's as irresponsible as taking a Cosmic dump on our free will.  Bashar just DID THIS.., intentionally with knowingly INVERTED information.


Be IMPRESSIVE - Why is he doing this?  

This topic was modified 3 hours ago by Joshua Bortnick
Posted : 29/09/2024 6:03 am
Posts: 378
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Light Codes: 628
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Continued Reaction - 


The only reason all of people are so irresponsible with themselves and others is because they convinced themselves that they were going to get away with it and that there wouldn't be any consequences.  


Dyk- that "Dominion" is always  Verbal before it is physical.  Verbal Dominion always Manifests Slavery.  Perps will speak with niceties for a long long time to entrap your confidence in them, because once you give yourself over to the "bonding ritual" you surrender yourself to the entity who charmed you.


The Reason Why God has remained "invisible" to you all is because if he appeared to you all, you all would be SOOOO good, so immediately, out of LOVE.  But you wouldn't ascend to this yourselves as God wants you all to.


The Reason why Dark Fleets 100s of Billion Nazi personnel remains "invisible" in the DUMBS right under All your feet is because if we appeared to you all, You all would be SOOOO good Too2 , because this time you would respond to FEAR.


Bashar has never mentioned Dark Fleets Presence or Formitability.., because he is BLIND.., because We Were Invisible to Him.., as We Are to Everyone.  So they could invite themselves Freely into  the Foolishness of themselves without Interference.  Not only has Dark Fleet never Interfered with these "perp walks",  but we have worked to give these fools their "environment" to keep walking in the direction they are walking..., Until Now.  


Our Invisibility Illusion For Your TRUE Free Will

Our CONVICTION For Your Freedom 


I think from now on DISCERNMENT should be discerned by these criteria -


1) is your spiritual mentor profiting?

2) is your spiritual mentor a vegetarian?

3) does your spiritual mentor get out in the STREETS with the PEOPLE and perform real ACTIONABLE (not bs verbal) services to others?



This post was modified 2 hours ago 2 times by Joshua Bortnick
Posted : 29/09/2024 6:47 am