✨August 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨


✨August Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
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✨Card 1 – Trust Your Path
✨Crystal 1 – Mookite
✨Prompt 1 – If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?

The Universe is conspiring. Keep facing your true north. Your job is not to pave the path, but to simply keep facing your true north and take one step after another. If you do this, you can’t go wrong.

The Universe is conspiring, Don’t waver or doubt. Use your heart as a compass and put one foot in front of the other. If you follow the invisible trail of what lights you up, you will light up the world without even trying.

Most people don’t follow the highest call of their soul because they are waiting to see the end destination before they take the first step. If you take one baby step each day, within a year you will have taken 365 steps in your dedicated direction. If you want to write a book, write a page every day. If you want to change careers, do one thing every day in dedication to that. Before you know it, in just a year from now, you will turn back and look in awe at how far you have journeyed, Keep moving and open yourself up to a whole new level of support and receiving.

✨Card 2 – Warrior Woman
✨Crystal 2 – Mango Calcite
✨Prompt 2 – Have you answered your deepest calling?

You are here for a reason. You are being called to bravely pave a path. Have you answered your highest and deepest calling? Living a heart-and-soul-led life is not all fluffy and smooth sailing. Living a heart-and-soul-led life requires courage to triumph over fear.

So often our fears are the gatekeepers to our greatest gifts. And the more resistance we have toward answering a call, the more important it is to our soul’s growth. Sometimes fear is an indication that we are facing the right way.

Think of your fears as opportunities to expand, rather than things that are holding you, hostage. If you look at your fears in this light then, as uncomfortable as it might feel, it’s actually a sign that you are on the right track.

✨Card 3 – Break The Chain
✨Crystal 3 – Carnelian
✨Keywords 3 – Ancestral patterns. Healing. Rewriting the future.

You are being called to heal your family line or free yourself from living the life of your ancestors. This could mean letting go of an old pattern of your maternal or paternal line. Healing trauma from the past that is not even yours of observing old ways of being that no longer serve you.

We carry emotional trauma in our luminous field for up to seven generations back. This is why family patterns can be the hardest to break. Often, they are not even ours, to begin with. But we do not know another way of being and so we continue playing out the drama.

The thing to notice when ancestral healing comes up is that you cannot heal another person, but your own healing can cause another person to choose to heal. Energy is freed up. You are being guided now to look at your life and decide how you want it to be. What ways of being or patterns are you ready to free yourself from? What part of your future do you want to rewrite? Now is the time to shake them off and dream a future into being.

✨July 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨


✨July Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
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✨Card 1 – Gateway
✨Crystal 1 – Amethyst
✨Keyword 1 – Vision

Many of our spirit guides are the animals that made soul contracts with us. Animals, especially dogs, live with unfiltered joy. This is why they ascend faster than humans-they radiate and integrate the highest frequencies on the planet. A heart at the centre of the card reminds you to live with your heart wide open, like the gates, along with a small crystal skull, sit engulfed in orange flame, sharing the message of grace.

This card can help create visions when held to your third eye, along with creating happiness. “Expect miracles, attract miracles, accept miracles: is the theme for this card. You have completed the lessons and are ready to work deeply with the dimensional beings, You will complete the gateway walk-you must remember.

✨Card 2 – Yemaya.
✨Crystal 2 – Green Aventurine
✨Keyword 2 – Resurrection

Yemaya is the river orisha of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. A queenly mermaid whose tail is covered by a seven-layered skirt to symbolize the seven seas, corals, crystals, tiny bells, and pearls adorn her outfit and her hair. A small cannabis wreath sits in her hand. This oracle’s sacred number is the number seven, and her sacred animal is the peacock. Blue and white swirl around this card, creating a calming and contouring energy around you. Yemaya is known as the “Mother of All Living Things”-she aims to bring comfort and cleansing to all who encounter her. On her chest sits a cannabis leaf because she helps mortals with learning to love themselves and healing for the emotional body. The peacock represents the feet, and, of all birds, symbolizes the traditional depiction of the Phoenix-the legendary bird of resurrection that rises out of its own ashes.

When this card appears, it is time to take a walk by the river and remind yourself that you too can rebuild yourself when the time comes to rise.

✨Card 3 – Manifester
✨Crystal 3 – Peacock Ore
✨Keywords – Creation

Clarity comes to the Manifester when they define in crystal clear terms what they have carried in from Vry. The Manifester knows how to co-create with the four elements to conjure the environment and desires best suited for their time in this realm. The Manifester tells you it is time to stand in your “power pose.” It is not time for another vision board, it is time for action! The planning phase is over, and the phone is rining-pick up and accept the infinite possibilities.

The infinity symbol repeats throughout the curtains of flowers, symbolizing endless opportunity. You didn’t come here to fail, and you can always tap into the never-ending flow of energy within yourself. It is time to sow your seeds and build the garden bed. When the Manifester shows up, you are being asked to challenge yourself. Consider the following: Am I benign clear in my co-creation? The difference between a desire and a manifestation is a plan of action!

✨June 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨


✨June Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
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✨Card 1 – Eagle
✨Crystal 1 – Kyanite
✨Keywords 1 – All-Pervading Power, Truth Seeker, Transforms Krama.

The noble Eagle emanates the light of the sun. This great bird is both physically and spiritually strong and represents mastery over the elements of Fire and Air. When the Eagle appears, you’ll soon be thrown into the karmic fire for the sake of your transformation. The Eagle pushes us to be our best and brightest sleeves and stops at nothing to see us shine. Grasp the sun in your talons and hold on for the ride. You are stronger than you think, Eagle child.

When in balance: bright, radiant, challenges.
When out of balance: controlling.
To bring into balance: step into the unknown.

✨Card 2 – Cheetah.
✨Crystal 2 – Fluorite
✨Keywords 2 – Solar Force, Action, Achievement, Masculine Energy

The Cheetah is the epitome of the solar forces at work. The sun doesn’t shine onto the Cheetah, it shines from inside this great creature and expands outward to brighten the Universe. The energy within a Cheetah’s personality is palpable to others, and they naturally attract an audience to bear witness to their remarkable achievements, Purpose and passion are the best fuel for a Cheetah’s forward momentum, so if you’re lacking in those areas, reconnect to the why before you start running.

When in balance: achieves anything, boundless energy.
When out of balance: impatient, competitive.
To bring into balance: reconnect to purpose.

✨Card 3 – Spider
✨Crystal 3 – Opalite
✨Keywords 3 – Creator of prosperity through life’s work, Dharma

The Spider is an ingenious creator. Its greatest gift is weaving the thread of dharma into a vast intricate web that supports the spider (and those around it) both financially and spiritually. It is hard work, but the Spider neither tires nor becomes impatient. This card reminds us that creativity is everywhere. Be process-oriented rather than results-oriented, and soon your “work” becomes like the weaving of a magical, priceless tapestry. Abundance follows.

When in balance: appreciative, enthusiastic, prosperous.
When out of balance: discouraged, tired, forlorn.
To bring into balance: playful creativity.

✨May 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨

✨May Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
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✨Card 1 – Wanting more for others puts me into an energy of abundance.
✨Crystal 1 – Kyanite

✨Card 2 – When I’m grateful for what I have, I can feel good along the way to what I desire.
✨Crystal 2 – Prasiolite

✨Card 3 – As soon as I choose to see the light in the dark corners, I redirect my power toward what I want.
✨Crystal 3 – Red Onyx

✨April 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨


✨April Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
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✨Card 1 – I Benefit With Gratitude
✨Crystal 1 – Sodalite

A grateful heart is able to navigate the waters of life, afloat with the lightness of being.
Living in the present and feeling graciousness for every moment throughout the journey of life can be a challenge, but staying grateful through all the contracts of living is what cultivates the spiritually adept navigator.

Remembering the preciousness of time and understanding that there is a pattern, a geometry of the soul, even within perceived chaos, are the way to find order within the permanent impermanence of each experience.

Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost. Seek the lesson, and you will find yourself.

✨Card 2 – I Embrace The All
✨Crystal 2 – Red Wine Jasper

Becoming cosmically aware, we illuminate our darkness with the sparks of light that that experience provides us as we emerge from the caverns of ignorance into a space of crystalline clarity. To know the all, we must see the all as a type of awareness, a nebula amid nebulousness-the key which opens all doors of prescription and potential.

Embracing this ideal, we find a relationship with the power of doing, as well as being. We allow the stellar force of life to give us gravity in the moments that ground us, but also elevate us through levity, reflection, and creativity in the moments that knock us off our feet.

✨Card 3 – I Hold Purity In High Esteem
✨Crystal 3 – Malachite

Purity is a state in which a “substance is free from contamination, pollution, or anything that debases the matter materialized.”

Out of context, the notion of this ideal may evoke feelings and memories tied to overzealous philosophies on chastity, abstinence, or other dogmatic tenets of belief. But contextualized as an ideal in relationship with perennial philosophy and embodiment of nature as the manifested energies of the universe, we may be reminded that purity is something to be held in esteem so that the inner spirit is refined enough for the soul of the natural world to reverberate through conscious awareness.

✨March 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨


✨ March Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
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✨Card 1 – Lioness
✨Crystal 1 – Dragons Blood
✨KeyWord 1 – Protection.

You are strongly protected right now. You are invited to embrace your authenticity and to be unafraid to wisely express your emotions, To protect others, we must learn to develop strength in ourselves and to know the power of restraint, which is what real power involves.

If you have ever seen a lioness in the wild you will immediately understand the nature of the magic of this magnificent feline, Lionesses are hugely powerful and work in teams to bring down prey and to protect the young. This contract of lethal power and tender protectiveness is the key to lioness magic.

Plug into lioness magic in situations when you need responsible power and when you may need some help in restraining a destructive energy such as rage.

✨Card 2 – Horse
✨Crystal 2 – Spiderweb Jasper
✨KeyWord 2 – Freedom.

To be truly free, we must learn true independence. Trust yourself, as listening to people who may have other agendas is not eh way to make good clear decisions. Individuation from our parents is a natural process, although it is often fraught with difficulty on both sides. Your true power resides in your ability to always know you have a choice and it is yours to make.

Horse magic is profoundly free and powerful. To ride a horse at full gallop is to experience a sacred bolt of the most primal liberty. When you are feeling trapped or small, expand your field by calling for their energy.

✨Card 3 – Fruit Bat / Flying Fox
✨Crystal 3 – Snakeskin Agate
✨KeyWord – Kindness

Choose kindness, which isn’t always the easy way. Kindness will always be repaid. Consider others in your decisions, especially those with less power than you. Repay your debts. Spread the seeds of goodwill, and your fortunes will grow.

Fruit bats are a vital part of the ecosystem, ensuring seeds are spread and fertility of the land is secured. The energy here is one of fertility and plentifulness. Invite flying fox energy into your workings when you wish to invoice more kindness or fertility.